A Call To Protect Our Pacific Ocean
The Pacific Parliamentarians’ Alliance on Deep Sea Mining (PPADSM) is a collective of Pacific leaders who share the strong concern to protect the ocean in light of the rush by large corporations, backed by powerful governments to mine the ocean floor for minerals before regulatory governance structures and measures are put in place.
Currents of Political Change: Reviewing Our Common Heritage and Common Responsibility in light of the Climate Crisis and Dangers of Deep Sea Mining

The side-event presented the voices of political leaders from Small Island Developing States (SIDS) on the currents of ocean governance, and the need for new global political commitments, a 'Pardo 2.0'. At the United Nations Oceans Conference (UNOC) 2022, we have a chance to remind member states of what it means to govern the ‘global commons’, more generally referred to as our ‘common heritage’, our ocean. It means safeguarding the health and future of all ecologies, including humankind, and generations to come from unsustainable modes of living and economic development.


Hon. Ralph John Reganvanu
Member of Parliament
Minister of Climate Change Adaptation, Meteorology and Geo-hazards, Energy, Environment, and Disaster risk management

H.E. Roch Wamytan
Congress of New Caledonia

Hon. Enele Sopoaga
Opposition Leader
Member of Parliament
Representative – Pacific Elders’ Voice

Hon. Debbie Ngarewa-Parker
Co-leader Maori Party Leader
Member of Parliament
New Zealand

Hon. Geraldine Yolande Paul
Minister for Primary Industries
Autonomous Bougainville Government
Autonomous Regional of Bougainville

Hon. Teanau Tuiono
Member of Parliament
Aotearoa New Zealand

H.E. Theonila Roka-Matbob
Minister of Education
Member of Parliament
Autonomous Region of Bougainville

Hon. Simon Kofe
Minister for Justice, Communication and Foreign Affairs
Government of Tuvalu

Hon. Moetai Charles Brotherson
Member of National Assembly
Maohi Niu (French Polynesia)

Hon. Tarita Holm
Ngardmau State Legislator

Hon. Dahmasing John Salong
Member of Parliament

Hon. Lenora Qereqeretabua
Member of Parliament
Deputy Speaker of Parliament
Assistant Minister for Housing and Local Government

Hon. Risong Tarkong
State Legislature Representative
Melekeok State and the National Capitol

Hon. Rukebai Inabo
Member of State

Hon. Edward Malaga-Trillo
Congressperson of the Republic of Peru
Member of the Purple Party

Hon. Amanda Masono
Member of Parliament
Autonomous Bougainville Government
Autonomous Region of Bougainville